Copyright Notice

Go2down respects copyright and does not allow unauthorized use of third-party content through our services. This notice outlines our copyright policy and available reporting channels.

Introduction of Copyright Notice

Go2down is fully committed to upholding strong copyright protections. As a platform utilized by many creators to share and discuss their original works, we recognize the vital economic and creative incentives provided by copyright law. Our policies are designed to prevent any unauthorized exploitation of third-party intellectual property through our services.

All content posted to Go2down, including videos, images, music, writing and other materials, must only be distributed with the valid consent of the applicable rights holders. Unless certain fair use or public domain exceptions apply under relevant legislation, users are prohibited from uploading or sharing copyrighted content without proof of permission from the creator or copyright owner. Violating others’ copyrights will not be tolerated and may result in enforcement actions against the infringing party.

To ensure a clear understanding of these rules, Go2down clearly outlines our copyright compliance guidelines. We aim to strike a reasonable balance that fosters an environment of lawful content sharing while still respecting artists’ and developers’ ownership over their works. Any user who wishes to dispute our findings or provide evidence of authorized use may contact our copyright team for further review.

Illegal reporting channels

If you believe any Go2down user has violated your copyrights, we offer some legal reporting channels. 

To file a copyright infringement notification with Go2down, you will need to send an email that includes substantially the information required by and stated in Section 512(c)(3) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Filings may be made by submitting an:

Required information:

  1. Your full legal name, address, phone number and email.
  2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to be infringed, or a representative list for multiple works.
  3. Identification of the infringing material on Go2down along with URLs or descriptions of its location.
  4. Statement that you have a good faith belief the use is not authorized.
  5. State that the information in the notification is accurate and under penalty of perjury the complaining

The most efficient way to report is through our online copyright complaint form, which guides submission of all necessary data fields. You may also mail or email notices to our Agent including the above elements.

Upon valid receipt of a completed report, Go2down will expeditiously remove or disable access to infringing material. We may periodically inform the user with a counter notification process outlined in DMCA.


If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]