Privacy Policy

Go2down offers online services and software, trusting users to share information. This policy outlines what data we collect and how it is managed.

Information We Automatically Collect

To deliver the best experience, Go2down automatically collects certain non-identifying technical data when you visit our websites or use our apps. This includes:

  • Device data like operating system, browser type, and device identifiers to ensure compatibility.
  • Usage data such as pages visited, searches performed, and features used to continuously improve functionality based on real user behavior.
  • Aggregated analytics to track things like total users and usage trends. This high-level data helps us evaluate new ideas and how the services are being utilized.

Precise personal identifiers are not tied to technical or usage data unless otherwise specified through account data consented to by the user. Our goal is to provide valuable functionality while protecting individual privacy. Data is handled ethically and according to all applicable laws.

Cookies/Tracking Technologies

Go2down uses various cookie and tracking technologies to operate and improve our services. Here are the main types:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies: These small text files enable core site functions like authentication, security, and access to private resources. They are required for the service to work properly and cannot be disabled.
  • Performance/Analytical Cookies: These cookies help analyze site usage patterns and traffic sources so we can evaluate and enhance user experience. For example, Google Analytics tracks common issues or popular features. Aggregated data is made anonymous.
  • Functionality Cookies: Preference cookies remember language settings or other customized options to deliver a tailored experience. They also power personalized recommendations and content suggestions.
  • Targeting/Advertising Cookies: Third parties place these cookies to show relevant ads based on inferred interests from pages visited on different sites. They do not directly identify individuals, instead using anonymous identifiers to track browsing habits.

Third Party Applications

While Go2down controls the data collected on our own services, some site features may involve integrated third party applications.

We conduct due diligence on these partners and only work with providers that share our commitment to user privacy and security. Strict data handling policies are established contractual obligations for all third parties.

Your personal information will never be directly shared with external vendors. Limited technical and analytical data may be transferred anonymously to help business partners improve website functions and better integrate with our services.

You can choose to disable these integrations via your account settings, which will block any associated data collection or sharing. We will also honor “Do Not Track” browser signals from supported devices and platforms.

Be aware that third party services have their own privacy practices. We encourage you to independently review their policies to understand how 

data is used by these connected sites and services outside of our control.

As with any personal data sharing, you maintain rights of access, rectification or objection. Please contact us directly regarding third party privacy or security concerns for prompt follow up.

Information Use

We collect various types of data to power our services:

  • Contact Data: Information like name, address, phone number and email used to manage accounts and communications.
  • Identity Data: Details that verify identity, like government IDs and background checks for regulated services.
  • Financial Data: Sensitive details like payment instruments, banking info and transactions are used solely for purchased items or donations.
  • Transaction Data: Records of services and products purchased are retained for accounting purposes.
  • Technical Data: Device, connection and usage information helps deliver functionality, security updates, and understand how our technical systems are performing.
  • Profile Data: Preferences, interests and customized settings allow a personalized experience.
  • Usage Data: Analytics on how the platform and features are used help evaluate new ideas and optimize continually over time.

Data Security and Sharing

Go2down is committed to protecting your personal information. We use industry-standard security protocols and encryption technologies to safeguard your data during transmission and storage.

Our servers are housed in secured facilities and regularly tested for vulnerabilities. Access is restricted only to necessary personnel. We conduct privacy audits annually to ensure our policies and procedures remain compliant with all applicable laws.

Go2down will never sell your personal details to third parties. However, we may share limited analytics data in aggregate form with partners to analyze usage, address issues, and improve the customer experience over time. You have the right to request details of data stored about you or opt-out of marketing communications at any time. We aim to respond to such requests promptly as per our privacy policy.

If a security breach occurs despite our best efforts, we will notify affected users immediately in accordance with legal breaches notification requirements. You will be provided with steps to help protect your accounts on other services from any compromised information.

Overall, we are committed to maintaining user trust by implementing robust security standards and meaningful privacy controls. Please review our full privacy policy for additional details on handling of personal information.

Children’s Privacy

Go2down does not knowingly collect or solicit any personal information from children under the age of 13. If we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information without verifiable parental consent, we will delete such information from our systems. If you believe your child has provided us with personal data, you can contact our support team to request it be deleted.

When kids under 13 access our services, we strongly encourage parents to use available parental controls and privacy options for their devices and browsers. This allows restricting what data kids can share and monitoring their online activities.

GDPR Commitment

At Go2down , we recognize privacy as a fundamental human right for users around the globe. Our data practices are designed with this core value in mind. In particular, we fully respect the stringent privacy laws of the European Union. For all users within the EU/EEA, Go2down aims to be fully transparent in our data processing activities and honors all individual rights as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This includes rights such as access to personal information, rectification of inaccurate data, erasure upon request, restriction of certain data processing and objection to direct marketing. We respond to any GDPR-related requests without undue delay.

While privacy regulations may vary in different regions, the principles of fairness, transparency and individual control over personal data remain universally important to us. We apply these guidelines globally to protect user privacy as uniformly as possible regardless of location.

Your trust is important. By maintaining GDPR-level safeguards worldwide, Go2down demonstrates its continued commitment to responsible and rights-respecting use of customer information for all.

Retaining, Modifying and Deleting Your Personal Data

Go2down retains personal data only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was originally collected. Some information like purchase records and account details may be stored longer for backup/archival purposes, dispute resolution and compliance with applicable laws.

You can contact our support team at any time to update or correct inaccuracies in your personal details. We will make reasonable efforts to amend unauthorized or outdated information within 30 days of such a request.

If you wish to deactivate your account or no longer receive communications from us, you can do so via your account settings on the website or by contacting support directly. Requests will be honored without delay except where retention of limited details is mandated by regulations.

In such scenarios, we will only continue holding the minimum necessary information and erase all other personal data tied to the user. Right to be forgotten requests will be addressed with utmost priority while balancing statutory obligations.

Please note that deleted records may still be accessible by regulators during audits or to respond to lawful demands in narrow cases of unresolved threats or fraud investigations for example.


For questions about Go2down’s privacy practices, reach out at [email protected]. Feedback helps strengthen our policies.